First Gallery Exhibit – in Vermont?

About a month ago, I came across a contest that I just had to enter. I don’t enter many contests, especially if there is an entry fee, but this one was different. The theme was Color Story, and they were looking for colorful images. It was to be juried by Seth Resnick, one of North America’s most prolific corporate, editorial and stock photographers, a Canon Explorer of Light, feature consultant for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, columnist, lecturer, and founder of lots of things. I’d never heard of him. But that’s OK – he sounded important. And cool.

So two things made me enter this contest:

  • I had an image I knew would win.
  • I liked the prize.

The usual contests are giving away a new camera system I don’t need, or a lens I can’t use, or a scholarship to an art school in Siberia, or perhaps €100. But the prize in this contest was space on the wall in their gallery, the Darkroom Gallery, a little place in north Vermont “dedicated to photographers and photography”. Sounded perfect – except for the Vermont part. The exhibition was to be in February, after all.

Well, I entered, and I won, and I had a ticket to fly there for the Artists’ Reception on February 10th. And then Nemo hit. Nemo was a winter storm that dumped up to 40 inches of snow not too far from where my plane was to land in Manchester, NH. So I canceled. I might have made it, but it wasn’t worth the risk.

But that’s OK. I still got to see what it looked like on the wall – kindof.

So there it is – my first gallery opening, of sorts, and I missed it. Well, time to find the next one, I suppose!

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