Just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, as unlikely as it might seem at first, it really does exist after all! I’m talking about the aurora borealis. The Northern Lights. Those funny green (usually) lights that show up around the north magnetic pole. Don’t know about the aurora australis down south – haven’t seen those, yet. They may be a myth. I’ll have to check on that some other time. But here in the north, they’re real!
read moreYellowknife. That’s in Washington, right? No, wait! Don’t tell me! It’s that national park over in, is it Wyoming? No, that’s Yellowstone. Well, where the hell is Yellowknife, anyway? And why would you want to go there?
read moreHere’s something to get excited about! Large canvas prints from 16″ x 20″ and up are on sale now, up to 66% off for the wall-filling 30″ x 40″ giant. That’s HUGE, in more ways than one!
read moreYes, taxes. That’s the one thing I dislike about this time of year. Beautiful flowers are coming out everywhere, the weather is getting nice, and dang-it all if we don’t have to get all mired up in taxes when we should be out hiking or something.
read moreFor the first time this year I actually had to open a window in my office to cool it down while I worked. April is finally here, and in Washington State that means it’s tulip time! I hear there is a little country in Europe that also gets excited about tulips, but the real celebration is here in Skagit County!
read moreWell, Spring has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and the weather here in Western Washington, just to show that it can sometimes behave itself, was sunny and warm, with highs that topped out in the 70s in some areas. Yeah, that won’t last. It will start raining again tomorrow and won’t stop until July 5th.
read moreOh, wow, that was fun! St. Patrick’s day can be so much fun if you’re with the right group of Irish, semi-Irish, or pretend Irish friends! And tonight was one of those nights. But alas, the blog beckons, so here I am, back at the keyboard. And it’s all good. It’s been over a week now, and we are no closer to finding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 than we were at the start. There’s no SOS call, no emergency beacon signal to track, just some radar tracking by Malaysian military and some obscure handshake data...
read moreYou couldn’t help but notice Getty Images all over the news last week. For the first time in history, industry leader Getty Images has said it is OK to use its images for free – under certain conditions.
read moreWell, I certainly didn’t see that coming. All this time I’ve been trying to show you images of beautiful landscapes from around the world, and it turns out that what you really want to see is pictures of me with hair. I have no idea why. To make dartboards? Win a bet with your friends? Have a good laugh?
read moreOK, this week I’m just having some fun. I admit it. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down. And I know what you’re thinking. “That would be great, Ed, if you actually had any hair.” Well, watch and learn.
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