Lighthouses are cool! Admit it. Every time you see a lighthouse, you’re drawn to it. Whether you want to climb to the top to see the view or if anybody’s up there, or to learn its history and hear its stories, or just to photograph it, you can’t help yourself. There’s something magical about a lighthouse.
read moreIf you, like millions of others, suffer from VDSS (Valentine’s Day Stress Syndrome), you’re probably just realizing as you read this that Valentine’s Day is coming up this week, and you haven’t done a thing about it. With or without a significant other, Valentine’s Day can stress out even the toughest among us, so don’t feel like you’re alone. So what to do about it? Well, I can’t help you with that dinner reservation that you should have made some time before Thanksgiving, but I can suggest a fun event for those living in or near Seattle.
read moreDeath Valley. Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? Do I have to die if I go there or can I just see all the dead stuff that’s already there and leave quickly? Maybe head over to Vegas. I hear it’s nearby.
read moreOK, you asked for it! Due to popular demand, I now offer all of my images as Canvas Prints.
read moreEverybody likes waterfalls! Hikers make a destination of them, tourists flock to them with camera phones ready, and daredevils go over them in barrels or rafts. And photographers, we always try to get a unique view of that famous iconic location that’s been photographed millions of times before, which of course is almost impossible to do. But we try anyway.
read moreIn the world of photography, as well as just about anything in life that’s worth doing, sometimes you have to go the extra mile to get the job done. And if that extra mile happens to be in dead of night on a lonely trail, well, that’s just the price we sometimes have to pay to fulfill our passion!
read moreYou know it’s going to be an interesting day when you wake up to a power outage caused by the high winds of an Arctic winter storm, and when power is restored to the house and well pump, you realize you still don’t have water pressure because the pipes are now frozen.
read moreDad hated New Years Eve. He hated New Years Eve for the same reason he hated July 4th. My father was an ophthalmologist, essentially an eye surgeon, and it seemed like he was always on call on those holidays. And Dad would cringe every time the phone rang, because he know what it probably meant.
read moreI think there’s something to be said for trying to live every day to the fullest, or to live each day as if it’s your last, or however you want to put it. Just don’t waste it.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas!
read moreHoliday shopping is in full swing, and Christmas will be here before you know it, so I thought it only fair to warn you that time is running out to get your orders in.
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